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    Corporate Wellness Programs

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Animal Exercise Fun E-Book.

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Free for Our Future

NPO, NGO, Faith and Government Ministries and Agencies around the world will be offered books for free distribution to children living in poverty. AnimalExerciseFun.ORG will work to match NPO distributors with donors and funding agencies to achieve this goal. SEE: ANIMALS FOR ALL

One for One Program

Our One for One program will be modeled after Toms Shoes. Once printing costs are reduced through bulk printing we will implement a One for One program that donates one copy of the book to children in need for everyone one sold. see Toms Shoes http://www.tomsshoes.com/

My Audacious Dream:

Print and distribute 4 million copies of Animal Exercise Fun to the low income children of the United States. see: Animals for All

Potential Social/Medical Return On Investment (ROI) for the United States

Healthcare needs and costs impact: quality of life, business productivity, family finances, and government programs for the poor and elderly.

Wellness programs have a proven Return On Investment (ROI). They are especially effective when practiced at a young age. They are standard operating procedure at hundreds of large corporations.

This ROI for “Animal Exercise Fun” is an estimate that includes only two returns in the form of one less trip to the doctor at $50 and avoiding one missed day of work by a parent saving $100. I feel the ripple effect of healthy family lifestyle choices through the economy makes these more than reasonable estimates. I believe the 10 to 1 return is a realistic figure.

*1. National average cost for emergency room visit: $383; National average cost for doctor’s office visit: $60. Source: New England Journal of Medicine

*2. The average American working parent misses nine days of work per year (Carillo, 2004).  As children move through daycare and into elementary school, the number of days missed increases to thirteen.
