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Please join the Advisory Review Board. I am an artist and writer, while every effort has been made to insure that safety and developmentally appropriate practices have been integrated into this program, it needs the additional weight of multi-disciplinary peer review to succeed.

How you can help:

  1. Provide an initial professional assessment

  2. Sign up to join our Advisory Board

  3. Write a short review

  4. Write an article/blog entry

  5. Share the program with your peers

  6. Recommend the program to your students/patients/clients

  7. Suggest grant opportunities

Please join me to create a multi-disciplinary user/peer review.

Please download a copy of the book to review.
click here
Animal Exercise Fun E-Book.

Then click here to contact us: Review Board

Click here to see the  Bibliography of books used in program development

Script   l    More Animals   l    About the Author   l    Press Package     l    Exercise & Health     l    “Animals for All”   l    Contact
